The new company law will come into effect
on July 1th 2024. According to the new law, a limited liability company ( LLC) must
inject registered capital within 5 years from the date of registration. Three-year
transition period has been given to the existed LLCs before the implementation
of the new law.
Companies whose business has no substantial
relationship with the registered capital can arrange to reduce registered capital
at a convenient time from now on.
However, there are some companies whose
business have substantial relationship with the registered capital, their
registered capital needs to reach a certain amount in order to obtain the
relevant licenses or qualification, but can’t to pay the registered capital at
once, such companies can maximize the use of the three-year transition period. How
to do then?
There are two steps:
1. Before June 30, 2027, modify the deadline
for injection the registered capital to be before June 30, 2032;
2. Injection the unpaid registered capital
before June 30, 2032. Please note that a foreign company needs to open an
capital bank account to receive the capital.
Of course, in 2032 finial decision is not
to inject the unpaid registered capital, the capital reduction can be arranged in
advance in 2032.
At present, before reduction the registered
capital, the company needs to do an announcement of reducing the registered
capital which needs 45 days, and after the expiration of the announcement, then
can do the process of reduction registered capital in the government, so please
leave enough time for the process.
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